Monday, 25 June 2018


Earlier this term we went to Shantytown so we could learn how people cooked in the 18th century. I found it very interesting and learnt a lot of facts. The only downside was that I had to wear a dress and a bonnet. Here are some facts I learnt: They didn't have electricity so they had to cook over and open fire even if it was raining, Since they didn't have electricity fire was used for pretty much everything: Heating, drying and cooking. Here's a photo.

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Tie dying

Hi guys last week we tie dyed. You all probably know what tie dying is but I will explain just in case. Tie dying is pretty much where you die dome material and it comes out in different patterns depending on how you wrap it up . Have you guys done any tie dying before? Hope you enjoy the slide!☺

Dog Visit

Today in Room 5 we had some unexpected visitors in our class. There was a cute puppy labrador and a massive St Bernard and it wasn't even fully grown yet! The puppy was 8 weeks old and apparently they can live up to 11 years where as the St Bernard can live up to 8-10 years. My favourite dog was the little black labrador because he was really cute and his fur was really soft. Do you guys have any dogs?

Monday, 11 June 2018

Goal setting term 2

                                            Hi guys this is my goal setting for term two. Some of them I have missed out because our weeks are usually jam packed but I hope you enjoy the rest of my goals. What are your long term goals and weekly goals? Do you do goal setting? Tell me in the comment section!