Friday, 11 May 2018

Recipe for Disaster

Bonjour my viewers! Welcome to another post from my blog. Today I have posted my recipe for disaster. As you can tell this terms topic is food. So... in shared reading we have been making a recipe for disaster or success. Hopefully you enjoy the poster!!! Make sure to comment your thoughts.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Cooking challenge create a signature sandwich Term 2 2018

Hi everyone! Here is my second cooking challenge that I have choose and obviously that is creating a signature sandwich. I  choose a toasted ham and cheese sandwich. I choose this because it is a classic and I really enjoy eating them. Hope you           enjoy my poster!                                                         

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Cooking challenge make a salad bar 2018 Term 2

Hi guys welcome to term two! Instead of a reading challenge this term we have a cooking challenge. The reason we have this is because we pick a topic to work towards and this term it is food. There are heaps of challenges and you will surely see them but here is the first one I chose. It is a salad bar. I added the Maori name to all of the veggies in my salad bar but  if the are not the correct translation I am very sorry I used google and sometimes it is not very accurate. Hope you guys enjoy my poster!!!